Friday, July 13, 2012


Vanessa over at Short, Silly Vegan tagged me to list 11 random facts about myself, answer a 11 questions, and spread the love. Thanks, for the love, Vanessa!

It has taken me all week to do this because I've been crazy busy (in a very good way). I'm half-assing this list because that's all the time I have before I leave to visit my mom for the weekend. Better late than never and better half-assed than full-assed?

Here it goes, half the fun facts about myself:
  • I was the captain of the drill team in high school
  • I'm afraid of dogs
  • I don't like getting professional pedicures because they feel uncomfortable
  • My favorite food is salmon
  • I have a bazillion freckles
Half the questions from Veronica:

1. Favorite Season?
Fall. I love sweaters, cool weather, and comfort food.
3. Favorite book?
It's impossible to pick just one, but a book I really liked recently was The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides
5. Cats, dogs, or both?
Neither! I currently own a hamster and even that's a bit much. I don't hate animals or anything, I just already have children and don't need another life form to take care of.
7. Do you have a big family?
Boy howdy, do I ever! I have nine brothers and sisters. It's a step-family, but still.
9. Do you have a nickname?
11. Do you take pictures of your food even when you don't share it on your blog?
Sometimes if I'm going to text it to someone to make them jealous, but not just for the heck of it.

Alright, here's some new questions. If you're running out of ideas for stuff to blog about consider yourself tagged.

1. Describe your first boyfriend.
2. If you were given $15,000 out of the blue, no strings attached, what would you do with it?
3. If you could be the best in the world at anything, what would it be?
4. What's the best gift you ever gave someone?
5. Mountains or beaches?

Have a great weekend, everyone.


  1. Hey girl! I am in your hood! Love it here! So many great places to eat. My faves so far have been cafe flora and Chaco canyon organic cafe. We went to mount rainier park yesterday-- gorgeous, the hotel has a decent gym and I actually did some weights while my son napped. How is the abs diet going? We made the burgers you were talking about and they were great.

  2. I'm glad you liked the burgers! I think they're good too. The only other recipe I've tried from the book so far is the mexi-cali tuna salad. I put it on lettuce even though that isn't officially part of the recipe. It's super filling and tasty.

    I'm glad you're having fun here. I love it here in the summer. I've never been to those restaurants but Mt. Rainier is gorgeous. I get a good view of it when I drive in to work every day.

  3. Love your fun-facts. Great idea! I'm interested in your new plan and share your enthusiasm for the post-vacation de-bloat. Yipes!!
