Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 8: Ripped in 30 workout #2

Usually I do my Jillian DVD first thing in the morning. Today I was feeling off when I woke up. I had a hard time sleeping and when my alarm went off I was in the middle of a frustrating dream where I was trying to play music with the guitarist from Frank Sullivan and Dirty Kitchen (YouTube it, they're great) but my strings kept slipping or I'd lose my picks or something. Argh!

Also, I was hungry. So I ate first. I ate a grapefruit then went right into my workout. Please learn from my mistake. Grapefruit doesn't feel good in your throat while you're trying to exercise.

On to the workout. Much better and tougher than last week. Scorpion pushups are back from week 7 of BR. I like those. This workout hits the abs harder. Lots of plank variations. The first cardio segment is tough because it's all bouncing around in plank.

There was a move I didn't get because you're supposed to sit with your legs out front and palms on the ground and then lift yourself. My arms must be short because that wasn't happening. I made the move work somehow but it was odd.

I'm looking forward to doing this workout again tomorrow after a good nights rest.

1 comment:

  1. Oooo - grapefruit pre-workout does not sound good.

    Scorpion push-ups are kind of fun, even though I really hate just about all forms of push-ups! They make you feel so strong. Awesome.

    Hope you have a more restful night and your workout feels awesome tomorrow.
