Thursday, April 26, 2012

Day 60: Lows and highs

I don't want to go into tons of detail here, but Monday was a traumatic day for me. I cried all night and most of Tuesday. By Wednesday I just felt foggy and exhausted all day. I slept in. I took cardio 3 to my work gym and set it up but I didn't have the energy so I packed up and drove through McDonald's for a burger and a mcflurry instead.

By last night the fog lifted and I got a great night of sleep. This morning I was up with my alarm and feeling better. I just finished cardio 3. My plan is to count yesterday as this week's rest day and just move on.

The good news is that there's a job opening up at work that I'm negotiating to get. It's still early but so far things look good.

My old boss was doing it but quit to stay home with her kids. I took her to coffee on Tuesday morning to get the scoop. It sounds like a perfect fit and more responsibility, autonomy and pay. And room for advancement which is so important to me.

I set up a quick meeting with her boss for this afternoon. He said she had already sung my praises so that's good to hear. I need to update my resume and submit it as soon as possible.

This would be such a great move for me. I need a change of scenery.

I'm so mopey! Let's end on another high note. Even though I ate a ton yesterday, my abs look pretty damn good today. I have a banjo lesson set up for tonight. I finally heard back from my tax preparer that I'm getting a large refund. There, see? Always a bright side.


  1. :::hugs:::

    Those days are the absolute worst. I'm so sorry you're going through a rough time right now. Take care of yourself, and if that means nurturing and protecting your emotions right now, then that's what you should focus on.

    Fingers crossed for you about the job opportunity. It sounds like that would be a welcome change right about now.

  2. Yes, creepy internet hugs from me as well. I am sorry that you are having a rough time .

    That position sounds wonderful. Sending good vibes your way! :)

  3. Thanks, ladies. I appreciate it a lot.

  4. Joining your other Internet friends & sending you cyber hugs (hopefully not creepy!!). Sorry that you had such a tough start to the week - - I'm sure you are depleted & exhausted.

    I love that you constantly work to find a bright side to things. I admire that quality about you, Catherine. Something I can learn from!

    One McD's run will not break anything. Good luck with your job application. Keep us posted!

  5. I can relate to those days, good for you for taking that time you need for yourself. I'm glad you are feeling better. I hope your job hunt turns out for the best, you deserve it, and a change of scenery often is all it takes to re-invigorate yourself. Keep it up, here's another cyber-hug for you!
