Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 71: Workout 11

I have so much to say and I don't know where to start. First of all, doing Cardio 3 on Friday afternoon was absolutely the best decision because there was no way I was going to be able to squeeze anything else into any part of my weekend. I feel so rejuvenated today.

Friday night I went to a show downtown and danced my buns off! It was a CD release party for a band that I really like and their new stuff is so good! I was in bed by 1 and up by 7:00 so I could be out the door and on the way to an oyster festival. We went out onto beach and collected oysters and dug for clams for a while, then back up to the festival where there was an oyster and wine pairing tasting class (so fun!) and cooking demonstrations and more music and dancing.
My boyfriend is really good at finding ways to be helpful so throughout the day we were helping hand out samples, load things into trucks, and at the end we even helped tear down. The last band of the day decided to drive back to Seattle rather than use the cabin they were going to use, so the family that owns the place offered it to us for the night and invited us to their bonfire! Can you even believe this? I met so many cool people. They had fresh shrimp that had been caught that day. We got invited back for a barn dance at the end of June.

The cabin was right on the water. It's just a one room thing with no bathroom, but it was so cute and the view was amazing. In the morning we sat on the deck and played banjo and guitar and made breakfast and relaxed for a bit. It was so beautiful. We're actually heading back down that way in a couple of weeks for a bluegrass festival and they offered to let us stay there again. I can't even believe it. I feel like I won the lottery.

So yesterday we came home and shared our haul with some friends. Then home for some quiet time and in bed early.

On to Workout 11. Very fun! I feel like Jillian is taking all the regular moves and trying to twist them, weight them, jump them, or figure out how to do them while in plank. There are a couple of push up moves that I saw the women on the DVD doing modified pushups for, which was great because I couldn't do them on my toes and it made me feel better.

This workout is heavy on the triceps, I feel. That's great because I'm wearing a sleeveless shirt today and my arms look good!

Alright, last thing. I'm interviewing today for that job I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. At my company you interview with just about everyone who has any contact with the person in the potential position so I have seven 1/2 hour interviews this afternoon. One of them is with 3 people at a time. It's absurd, but I'm looking forward to it. I know they want to move fast on the job so I'll hopefully know by the end of the week. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.

Have a great day, everyone!


  1. I LOVE happy posts! Reading this made me smile from ear-to-ear. Thanks for sharing all of the fun and excitement. Plus, an awesome workout 11 to boot - - sounds like a great way to get revved up for your day of interviews. Good luck to you!! Keep us posted. Sending lots of positivity your way.

  2. Yay Catherine! GOOD Vibes coming your way for that job! I hope it is the right fit for you and everything turns out the way you want it to!! :) Glad you liked workout 11, it is my favorite of the workouts in the last 3 weeks!

  3. Good luck on your interviews! I'm sending all my good job karma your way!

  4. Good luck!! I love your energy so much :) Can't wait to hear about it tomorrow.
