Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 85!: woah weekend!

I had such a fun weekend. I decided to be lax on the diet and just enjoy myself. I think it went just fine. I was so busy that I didn't have time to snack. I overdid it on the wine Friday night but i was dry for the rest of the weekend.

The coolest part of the weekend was Saturday when the people camping next to us leant me a fiddle. I've played classical violin since I was a kid but I've never tries to jam with it before. It was tons easier than the banjo. There were a couple guys who knew a bunch of old timey tunes and the rest of us picked it up and went to town. Loved it!

Today was workout 11. My right knee was bothering me a bit in the lunging static jump squats so I didn't jump and it was ok. The chataranga hold continues to burn me up. My favorite move is the Russian twists. My spine cracks all the time. It feels good.

I visited the candy bowl at work today. It's out of my system now though.

Last piece of news is that I bought a measuring tape. I'm planning on taking measurements Sunday for the first time ever. I'm kinda looking forward to it.


  1. Sounds like a wonderful weekend, Catherine! So glad to hear it. Those breaks are really important for us - - sometimes we just need to not be focusing 100% of our energy on food and exercise. Can you believe it's your last week on Body Revolution? What's next up for you?

    Congrats on your new purchase, too! :)

  2. Glad you picked up a measuring tape, I find tracking measurements addictive. :) What an amazing weekend. Sounds like a blast and great to get out and off the grid for a few days. I love the russian twists too, but my spine doesn't crack and I sure wish it did. Oh that feels good! What a bother about the knee, I hope it doesn't flare up during THIS LAST WEEK of your program. Congrats on getting so far :)
