Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Day 79: blast from the past

Back in November I participated in a fashion show for sales meeting at work. It was a lot of fun. It was mostly people from the office and one professional model to do the sports bras.

The pro had an amazing body. She was all muscle. I was completely inspired. I was also inspired in a different way when backstage someone who didn't know me patted my belly and asked if I was pregnant.

I bought 6-week 6-pack and No More Trouble Zones shortly after. 6 pack was ok. NMTZ was a great workout. I was so surprised because it was the first DVD I could do 2-3 times a week without getting bored. I did it for probably three months and saw good results then moved on to Body Revolution.

Last night was another sales meeting with another fashion show. It was all pros this time. I was inspired again, but only in a good way. Those chicks are so strong! I was their arms and abs!!

I stuck to my water only plan and got a few comments about it. I wanted water though. I had a little of a lot of things at the buffet (nothing too crazy) so I probably could've skipped something and had a glass of wine, but knowing myself it would've turned into 3 glasses.

Workout 12 again this morning. I did 12 wheel pushups during each circuit. On the 2nd I tried putting a leg up but didn't get very far. It was funny.

My challenge today will be to not snack at my desk. I had a snack attack yesterday but was able to curb it with sugar free gum.


  1. I thought for sure you were going to post that it was all professionals and they asked you to model the sports bra! I could totally see that... You haven't posted pictures, but from your workouts, I KNOW you have some awesome arms & abs already.

    12 wheel push-ups?!?! Dang! That is impressive.

    Good job with the gum, too. I keep bubble gum, diet root beer and sugar-free werther's at work to combat those high-sugar cravings. Seems to do the trick when I just gotta have something.

  2. What a great way to gain perspective on how far you've come! That is awesome!

    (Once while living in New York, a very nice gentleman offered to give up his seat for me on a crowded subway. When I politely declined and said I was fine standing, he insisted, saying that pregnant women should get priority seating on the trains. Gulp! Definitely wasn't pregnant!)
