After pictures are starting to roll in on other blogs and I'm so impressed with the successes! I really wish I'd been better about taking measurements and before/after photos. I'll post my pictures in two weeks but you'll have to take my word for it that my muscles are more defined and my waist is smaller than before.
This is a long post so here's the summary: It was a busy weekend. I did my workout on Saturday. Both days I ate most of my calories for breakfast and lunch and had very light dinners. Not the best way to do things, but that's when I was hungry.
I knew this weekend was going to kick into crazy-busy mode starting at noon so I let myself take things slow and easy in the morning. I had a lot to do around the apartment, but instead I made some eggs and stir fried veggies and read my book and generally enjoyed not being busy for a few hours.
Cardio 3: I've done this dvd a bunch of times now and I still have no idea what move is coming next for most of it because of the switches in circuit 2. I like it that way though. I really notice my abs taking on more of the effort during the plank moves that involve jumping, like plank moguls. It feels really good.
Next was off to take one kid to a birthday party and the other to lunch. He really likes wings so I took him to Buffalo Wild Wings. We split some wings and ice cream. I had 8 wings and just a couple bites of the ice cream. It was really great to get to spend some one-on-one time with him.
Next it was time to get the youngest and head off to baseball. Two games in a row, first the younger son and then the older. I was stuffed from my large breakfast and lunch so hunger wasn't an issue, which was nice since we weren't done until about 8:30. I drove the boys straight to their dad's house. I agreed about a month ago to let him have them for Mother's Day this year because he and his friends planned a rock climbing trip with kids. I thought it would be fun for them and poopy for me to say no.
I was sad, but I didn't have much time to wallow in it because I'd told my boyfriend I'd meet him that night at his family's campout. I stopped by home, ate the 5 leftover wings, and got in the car. The drive was about an hour so I cranked up the tunes and sang the whole way.
It was a beautiful night. We sat by the fire and played music for over 3 hours. There were about five guitars, a harmonica, and me on the banjo. A lot of people were drunk by the time I got there so they thought I played great! Haha. I had one beer but kept my hands full with music for the most part.
This was another day where my calories were front-loaded. My boyfriend made me steak, eggs and baked beans for breakfast. It was delicious. We sat by the fire until about noon then left for home. He suggested we stop by that restaurant I mentioned a month or so ago that has the sign proudly announcing that nothing healthy is on the menu.
I said no thanks. Even if it hadn't been a million degrees out, a plate full of grease and a glass full of sugary soda didn't sound appealing. We headed home, had chips and guac (in moderation) and grilled shrimp for lunch. Two glasses of white wine and a nap for dinner. Then I was up until 1:30 reading.
I agreed to stay at his place last night so no workout this morning. I'll take myself home during my lunch break for workout 11. Tonight there's a work function tonight that involves free food and booze. I'm planning on having water. And food, obviously. There are usually some good options at these things.
What a weekend! It's so much harder when life takes you away from home and routine. You lose the ability to control food and exercise the way you can when you are preparing your own food or exercising at home. I think you did well, especially choosing to bypass that greasy spoon! You are keeping with it, and to think there is just 10 more days!
ReplyDeleteI've always wanted to play the banjo :). Keep up the good work!!!