Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 17: A Youthful Attitude and Complexion

By "youthful" I mean about 13. I'm super moody and I have a big shiny zit right between my lip and nose. WHAAAAAA!!!!! Also I ran over a curb on my drive to work which is not good for my self esteem or my poor, abused car.

Somehow, I did Cardio 1 this morning. Honestly, there are only two reasons I dragged my ass out of bed at 5:45 and neither of them was 6-pack abs. Reason one: it's only 26 minutes. Reason two: I paid $130 for this shiz and I'm not going to waste it.

I packed my lunch - chicken salad sandwich and two hard boiled eggs - and then left it at home on the counter.

I have a dentist appointment this afternoon. Just a cleaning and it will be fine, but STILL.


  1. Boo on the zits!!! But HOORAY on doing Cardio 1! Plus, while getting 2 feet on the floor is so hard some days, isn't it awesome to know that your workout is OVER?? :) I love that. Any additional exercise is icing on the cake now.

    I hope your day is turning around for you.

  2. Leaving your lunch (or phone or ipod or anything really) at home is the WORST. Seriously, that kind of stuff makes me want to turn right around and get back in bed immediately.

    You deserve serious congratulations for getting through Cardio 1! I'm going to do it for the first time today this afternoon, and I'm a bit nervous (understatement). But you're right. 26 minutes, and I am NOT going to waste it.

  3. Thanks, ladies. I'm powering through! I forgot to mention I'm feeling bloated as well. The upside is that all this crappiness will probably pass soon. That, or the added carbs I'm eating this week aren't agreeing with me. I sure hope it's not that!
