Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 20: More recipes = more leftovers

You know how I had this idea that I should make a variety of good food in order to stay interested? I could probably dial it back a notch. I have enough food in my freezer to get me through the zombie apocalypse.

It's been a delicious week. Here's what I tried:

Greek yogurt and quinoa crunch: I actually prefer the kickstart yogurt with almonds. I thought this was way too sweet and my crunch wasn't that crunchy. Maybe if I'd baked it longer. At any rate, my plan is to dump the rest of it into muffins that I'll make today.

Salmon with pepitas and cumin: it was ok. I love salmon. Crust isn't necessary. I actually made this twice because the crust recipe made a ton!

Russet potatoes with arugula: tasty. Next time I'll leave out the lemon juice. It was too strong. I like the crunch of the celery though. One batch of this is lasting me for days.

Chicken salad sandwich: a very satisfying lunch. One batch made enough for about 6 sandwiches though so I've been eating this every day and will have it today and probably tomorrow. I put homegrown sprouts on it instead of lettuce.

Vegetable stir fry with quinoa: best recipe of the week. I love it. I put about triple the amount of hot sauce in it. There's a ton of chopping involved but it's so worth it. The quinoa recipe calls for 1 cup. I kind of think she means 1 cup after cooking. I cooked up a cup of dry quinoa and it was plenty!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Catherine! Better to be prepared than not, right? That vegetable stir fry sounds delicious, I'll have to try it. YUM. Happy St Paddys!
