Monday, March 5, 2012

This post includes a kid-friendly recipe link

This morning I noticed that all formatting is lost when posting to blogger from a phone. I went back and fixed it. I’ll be sure to keep things really brief on the weekends from now on though. 
I realized something late last night about workouts 1 and 2. I break more of a sweat and feel more challenged during workout 1 so I assumed it was harder. Workout 2 seems really easy when I’m doing it. However, my hamstrings have been sore all week.  Earlier this week I thought it was because I’m running outside more often instead of the treadmill. Nope, it’s workout 2. Whodathunk?
Last night I tried a new recipe that was a raging success with the kids – chicken tenders with honey mustard dipping sauce. My 6-year-old couldn’t stop talking about it and he hates all food except cereal and pasta with butter. My favorite compliments were, “This is AWESOME!” and “Mom,  I should have told you this a couple of days ago, but you’re a great cook!” I was glowing.
Today I’ll be running during my lunch break and doing workout 1 at home in the evening. I work at an athletic supply company so getting a lunch workout in and then not looking as nice in the afternoon isn’t a big deal. Usually I like to do a video in the morning since I lose all motivation in the evening, but I stayed up late last night and thought the sleep would be more beneficial. Good luck to me.


  1. I posted links to some chicken recipes on my blog--my kids loved them too! ;;;;;;Give them a try, they especially liked the ones with the corn flakes. I'll give these a try tomorrow night! i love honey mustard!

  2. Oooh thanks! I'll check them out.
